[OBSOLETE] Programming the Dato DUO firmware

This only applies to Dato DUO synthesizers with serial numbers below 4630

Go to GitHub - datomusic/duo-imxrt for updated instructions.

Here is how to adapt the firmware for the Dato DUO development prototype. These instructions are rough around the edges and bound to change while we fine tune the process.

What you need:


  • Dato DUO
  • Micro USB cable / power supply
  • SWD (Serial Wire Debug) programmer
  • Cable to connect the programmer to the programming header on the DUO Brains

The following is only tested on a Mac.

Install the Arduino IDE. 1.6.11 is recommended at this moment and can be downloaded from https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/OldSoftwareReleases#previous

Install Teensyduino from Teensyduino - Add-on for Arduino IDE to use Teensy USB development board
Be sure to check the ‘Audio’, ‘FastLED’ and ‘Keypad’ libraries during installation.

Then open a terminal window, go to a folder where you want to place the DUO firmware files and clone the duo-firmware repository by typing the following commands:
git clone --recursive GitHub - datomusic/duo-firmware: Firmware for the Dato DUO

If you forgot to add –recursive to your git clone, enter the git directory and type git submodule update --init --recursive to download the extra tools and libraries. You now have everything you need to start hacking the firmware.

Programming the Dato DUO
There is currently no way to upload code to the Dato DUO using the Arduino IDE. You will need to install OpenOCD 0.9.0 to program the DUO using an SWD programmer. On a Mac, install Homebrew from http://brew.sh/

/usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)”

and then install OpenOCD

brew install open-ocd

Compiling and uploading via the command line
Go to the duo-firmware folder (the cloned git repository): cd duo-firmware
Type make to compile the code. Connect the FRDM-KL05Z to a USB port, then power on the Dato DUO and type make flash to upload the code. If it fails, try typing make flash again.

Compiling and uploading via the Arduino IDE
You can also compile using the Arduino IDE. It’s not easier than the above method, though.

Turn on verbose mode in preferences.

This allows us to grab the location of the compiled file later.

Choose boards → Teensy 3.2 72MHz as the target board. Click Verify (not upload) to compile the firmware. Once compiling is done, look for the line before ‘Opening Teensy Loader…’ in the verbose window. It should contain the path to the .elf and .hex files that were just created. The line should look something like this:
“/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/teensy/…/tools/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-objcopy” -O ihex -R .eeprom “/var/folders/4g/j4s89fbs1zsdks_pkxbtpt_40000gn/T/build34df3456261b7e01dee90fa86741109f.tmp/src.ino.elf” “/var/folders/4g/j4s89fbs1zsdks_pkxbtpt_40000gn/T/build34df3456261b7e01dee90fa86741109f.tmp/src.ino.hex”

For Windows, download and install the Segger J-Link Software and Documentation pack from SEGGER - The Embedded Experts - Downloads - J-Link / J-Trace
Install the J-Link drivers first. Then use J-Link Flasher Lite with the .hex you either grabbed from the Arduino IDE or duo-firmware directory and Freescale MK20DX256xxx7 microcontroller profile to erase and program the device.

On the Mac, you can use the following command from the duo-firmware folder:
openocd -f openocd/openocd.cfg -c “program /var/folders/4g/j4s89fbs1zsdks_pkxbtpt_40000gn/T/build34df3456261b7e01dee90fa86741109f.tmp/src.ino.elf reset exit”
Replace the file path with the file path you grabbed from the Arduino IDE before.

This only applies to Dato DUO synthesizers with serial numbers below 4630

Go to GitHub - datomusic/duo-imxrt for updated instructions.

Freescale/NXP Freedom as SWD programmer
We are using these low-cost Freescale/NXP Freedom boards as a SWD programmer.

Preparing the FRDM
We will turn the FRDM-KL05Z into a J-Link compatible SWD programmer.

Solder a header or wires to J1 on the FRDM-KL05Z.

There is a jumper at the bottom of the board marked J6. Cut the trace between the two pads with a sharp knife.

Press the reset button on the FRDM-KL05Z while plugging it into your computer. It should show up as ‘BOOTLOADER’ in your Finder (Mac) or Explorer (Win).

Download OpenSDA_V1.bin (57.5 KB) and save it on the BOOTLOADER disk. Now unplug the FRDM-KL05Z and plug it in while NOT holding the reset button.

Preparing the Dato DUO
The Brains should have two rows of pins near the microcontroller, labeled P5. The pinout is exactly the same as the SWD header on the FRDM-KL05Z but the pitch is larger. You will need a cable that connects both boards. How you connect those two is up to you, as long as you do not connect the 3V3 wire.

Here is how the physical buttons and pots are named in the source code.

This is the SWD pinout for the FRDM-KL25Z

On the Cortex 10 pin ribbon connector, wire 1 is marked red. You only need to connect wire 2 (TMS), 3 (GND), and 4 (TCK). Optionally, connect the last wire to RST.

For the latest versions of the Dev Kit, we are providing programmer boards that make the DUO compatible with Teensy. That means you can program the Dev Kit through the micro USB using Teensyduino. Instructions are on https://github.com/datomusic/duo-firmware

Hi…i also did and here is the way. Connect the Dato DUO to your computer using a micro USB cable. Put your Dato DUO into firmware update mode by gently pressing a pointy object into the little hole next to the headphone output. The lights will stop flashing and the Play button will become blue (early DUO’s with a serial number below 350 will not show a blue button).

@AbelGill, you are right. This works for the retail versions of the Dato DUO. You probably got this info from https://github.com/datomusic/duo-firmware which is the best place to go for hacking on the Dato DUO.